Main ContentVice Chair's Welcome
Welcome to the Pediatric Discovery Enterprise!
Research activities in the Department of Pediatrics are steadily growing. Therefore, the Pediatric Discovery Enterprise is here to serve the research needs of our patients, trainees, faculty members, and health care professionals.
The mission of this enterprise is to promote, support, and expand all research initiatives from the Department of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. The organizational framework of the Pediatric Discovery Enterprise is oriented to promote inclusivity, participation, and diversity in all expressions of Pediatric Discovery.
The Vice Chair for Research leads the activities of the Pediatric Discovery and reports directly to the chair of the Department of Pediatrics. There are four domains included in the Pediatric Discovery Enterprise organizational chart.
- Discovery Council oversees discovery initiatives with the branch for Clinical Research and the branch for Basic Research.
- Discovery Training oversees training in research methods including the branch of Research on Teaching.
- Discovery Funding manages funding opportunities including the branch for Grantsmanship and Scientific Writing.
- Discovery Expansion includes the branch for Interdisciplinary Research and the Branch for Funding and Development.
The objectives for each domain, and their branches, complement each other to further Pediatric Discovery and align with our overarching institutional and departmental goals.
Cynthia Karlson, PhD
Vice Chair for Research
Department of Pediatrics